Friday, June 8, 2012

Boxes of's TOO MUCH!!!

Well...we moved into the new house on Monday morning.  Everything went off without a hitch!  The movers spent the day bringing in box after box after box and oodles of furniture and my sister and I spent the next two days digging out of it all at warp speed.  And I will say this...It's an interesting process to unpack all of your worldly belongings.  It was interesting to pack them too...but your perception of those same things you love and adore as you pack them seems to change a bit as you unpack them.  I had a little over three weeks to pack up the house.  Packing is also different in the respect that you don't have to figure out where to put any of your things...just wrap them in paper and place them in boxes.  But unpacking brings a whole new thought process to the arena.  Yikes.  My brain was so tired at the end of the day on the first three days of unpacking.  SO tired of thinking about the placememt of each and every item.  Enter in the perception change.  Having to assign a place to all of these things has really made me look at these things differently.  I'm really questioning what things I actually NEED here.  Or even want!  I have lost a total of ten closets in this house.  Ten closets that I no longer have...that used to hold SO many of my precious goodies.  And I look at that wonder what in the heck I had in all those closets.  Well...I KNOW what I had in all those closets...I'm looking at it all around me and trying to assign a place for it.  But what I don't know is WHY I had all of those things in my closets!  And I realize that we have been SOOOOOOOO blessed in this life.  Goodness, have we ever been blessed!  And I realize it is simply too much.  We have SO much more than we need.  We have so much stuff that we don't even know what we have.  (Though, believe me...I am definitely exploring all of that right now and becoming more aware of it by the minute!)  We have so much that I don't think we are even able to really enjoy our blessings.  And at the end of the day, my blessings are feeling like burdens.  And I am intent on lightening the load.  I was delighted to find the Goodwill donation center that opened since we left.  Delighted to be able to drop off my first STUFFED car load.  And I DO mean STUFFED.  I am working on the next load right now!  But enough of my reflections on too much stuff!  How's the unpacking coming you'd want to know???

The unpacking is coming along nicely.  Every single box has been opened.  And with the exception of a very few small's been put away.  It's not exactly feeling all neat and tidy, like home.  The study needs to be repainted.  And I have several pieces of extra furniture that need to be sold and a piece or two that need to be purchased.  I have no dining room furniture at this time.  Not a problem...since my dining room is currently full of leather sectional sofa that needs a new home.  It's also full of all the pictures waiting to be hung and full of boxes of books from the study in our old house.  That study had one full wall full of shelves and cabinets.  None of which I have in this house,  which is making for some interesting unpacking!  I expect to have the bulk of the problems solved this weekend.

And now...I'm going to hop off of here, finish my coffee while taking in the AWESOME view of my gorgeous mountains...and then I am going to unpack some more.  I am also going to the gym this morning.  Beach time is coming around here soon and I need to tweak some things!  Not that I haven't gotten PLENTY of work out these past few days.  Goodness KNOWS I have!  But I need to flex my muscles now to the beat of some good music and in an environment of NO BOXES!!!!  Until we meet again!  Yours truly....Overly Blessed in the Desert!

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