Sunday, June 16, 2013

Real Photos

Well, we have officially wrapped up ballet recital WEEKEND and another year of dance is behind us.  Seeing as how I had to wrangle the princess into all the ballet costume and hair and makeup AGAIN this morning, I decided I wanted a few REAL photos of her.  I decided not to order pictures through the studio with their photographer because 1) they were ridiculously expensive and 2) they were incredibly lame.  No thank you!  I can take pics at home that are super cheap and most definitely NOT lame!!!  And so...I did!  Not that I didn't love the snap shots by the kitchen table!  Those were lovely.  But, I thought it might be nice for the girly down the road to have something that looked a bit more, you know...sophisticated.  And I must say, my princess is definitely sporting a VERY sophisticated look this year!  And so...I present to bella ballerina!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Taking Center Stage

It's that time of year!  The time that all the other time has been building up to!  The time when all the practice and hard work really pay off and get put on display in "the big show".  Also known as...ballet recital time!  This weekend is Clara's weekend.  And I DO mean weekend!  Her recital covers two days.  She dances both today and again tomorrow.  Same show...just twice!  If you count in picture day and dress rehearsal day, that means I get to put this gorgeous creature together FOUR times!  FOUR times I get to make the ballerina bun and pin it extra securely so that it won't budge!  FOUR times I get to work magic and create some stage drama for her face.  FOUR times I get to wrangle her into her itchy dress!  Oh yes!  It's been big, big fun around here for the past week!  She danced her first recital this morning and did a GREAT job!  She's SO talented on stage!  Here are some pics I took before we headed across town!  More to come soon!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Special Treat

I've been SO remiss about keeping this blog updated!  Life just keeps getting in the way and things are busy, busy, busy!  You would think that now that it is summer and the kids are out of school I would have all the time in the world to sit here and blog, keeping you endlessly and accurately in the loop, huh?  You'd think!  But alas...summer has been busy around these parts.  Nothing entirely crazy, mind you.  Just, you know, life!  Max is working through some of his Senior coursework online right now so he can finish high school early.  That means, I can not often get to my computer because HE is at it!  So, there's that.  And both Clara and Max are on swim team.  Two DIFFERENT swim teams, two DIFFERENT organizations entirely.  For the most part, their practices overlap.  A bit.  But it still has me running up and down the road constantly!  We will get this figured out!  Eventually!  Ballet recital time is also approaching.  So we still have ballet classes, and in the next couple of weeks we also have ballet recital pictures and dress rehearsals and other fun excitement thrown into our mix.  Needless to say, we have NOT been bored!  Our very best friends in the world are getting to move away.  They load up their truck tomorrow.  This brings us GREAT sadness, and so we are also trying to cram in as much together time and play date time as humanly possible in the next 36 hours!!!  I imagine I will have an extremely sad little girl after she says goodbye to her friend tonight.  It will be a year or more before we see them next.  SO so sad.  But let's not dwell on that bit of news. There will time enough for tomorrow's tears tomorrow!

The treat I am referring to in the post title is a little musical demonstration by my sweet girl.  She RARELY lets me catch her on camera!  It has been QUITE some time now since I've gotten any kind of recording.  But yesterday...she gave me a pajama performance!  She woke up all kinds of sweet and agreeable and before she could remember that she hates for me to record her piano playing...I had captured this!  Enjoy!!!!  I know I sure am!  Click on this link!!!!

Clara's Pajama Performance