Sunday, August 4, 2013

Long know!

All right.  Once again, I have been horribly remiss in getting any new news or pictures up on my blog.  Life has a way of getting incredibly busy around these parts here lately.  But never fear, because today I shall fill you in on everything that has happened SINCE the ballet recital!

The biggest part of why I haven't blogged is mostly that I wasn't home!  I was in California.  And it's a VERY busy and hectic life there!  Chasing those kids and making sure they are properly supervised and exercised takes a LOT of time and energy.  Here I am in action...
Man!  It takes it out of ya!  The sun. The sand.  The sound of the waves crashing up on the shore.  The kids keep busy too!  There's lots of this...

 And this...
 And oh yeah...THIS!!!  Man!  This view never gets old!

I also got a little time in with honey!

While on vacation in California this summer, our big boy had a birthday!  We had a great time celebrating 17 exciting (and sometimes frustrating) years with Max!  Here he is with his summer time posse...
We've known all of these kids for years now and they are part of our summer time family.  It's so nice that Max has such a great group of friends away from home to share his big celebrations with!  His cake of choice this year was actually PIE!  We had turtle pie and key lime pie and oreo cookie pie and caramel sea salt pie.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!  What a yummy celebration!!!  Turning 17 brought on some big changes in our house.  For one....
Max came home in this!  We bought a car.  For him to BORROW.  So long as his grades stay up and he adheres to a clearly outlined set of rules.  It's not a fancy set of wheels...but it IS a set of wheels.  Max is now the proud driver of a 2001 Ford Focus hatchback.  It has 154,000 miles on it, faded paint, black rims on the tires and fairly gimpy power windows that sound like they might die any minute!  But he loves it and it will serve his purposes nicely for this upcoming school year.    He proudly drove it all the way home (with mom in the front seat) from California.

Considering the new addition to our vehicle fleet, and my newly turned 17 year old, that launched our next big life event.....
HellOOOOOOO driver's license!  That's right!  He's officially legal and can drive ALL BY HIMSELF!   I'm proud of him and thought this might be a milestone we'd never see with this one!  He too is excited and is enjoying getting himself out and around to the places he needs to be!

As though we haven't had enough milestones here lately...I also had to register Max for his SENIOR YEAR!!!!!  My oh my!  Where has the time gone?!  I cannot believe I have a SENIOR in high school. Seriously!  Can you?  I mean...someone as young and vivacious and practically a baby herself?  Having a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL???!!!  It's some kind of crazy time warp phenomenon, huh?

But the crazy huge life events do NOT stop there.  NOPE.  Feast your eyes on THIS...
This is my girl picking up her schedule for MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!  Talk about where did the time go?!  WHOA!!!!!  And shut the front door!  I think this is the craziest life event of all!!!!  Girlfriend had a BLAST at schedule pickup.  She was SO excited to see friends she hasn't seen all summer and compare schedules to see who had classes with who...
She was over the moon to be assigned her VERY FIRST LOCKER and couldn't wait to try out the combination and get that baby open!
Of course...wouldn't you know...her lock was not cooperative and could not be opened by ANYONE! She was a bit dismayed, but the locker problem was reported to the maintenance people and they assured her that they would work on it and HOPEFULLY it will open for her tomorrow when we go for orientation to meet her teachers and find her classrooms!  She is SO hoping that she will get to keep THAT particular locker because it's a TOP locker and on the very end and uber easy to here's hoping!!!!

All in all it was a CRAZY exciting day for her exploring the middle school and all the new opportunities waiting for her.  Although...she DID find one thing that she was NOT at all excited about.  It comes in the form of ...
the worlds UGLIEST and worst fitting P.E. uniform EVER!!!!  It absolutely SWALLOWS her!  She got the smallest size available and is still swimming in it!  On the bright side...they will all look ugly together.  AND, it has given me a fresh perspective on the PE uniform that I was issued in high school. In hindsight, now that I see this one...that green and gold get up just wasn't all that bad!    Here's to hoping that THIS is the worst thing that ever happens in the sixth grade!

On that are all officially caught up!  Never fear...there is plenty of excitement coming up!  This week we have back to school orientation at the middle school.  Clara gets her braces off (she can BARELY contain her excitement!!!!!!).  And school starts on Thursday.  I have the rest of this week to sort through my VERY mixed feelings about sending my first baby off to his senior year of high school. In his own car.  Without me in the car!  And about sending my baby girl off to the crazy world of middle school.  Sniff, sniff!!!!  I don't know how all of this got here so fast.  Seems like just yesterday they were babies with the biggest decisions in life being what story we would read at nap time and how in the world to keep up with keeping all the toys organized and out from under foot so we didn't break our necks!'s to the ever changing excitement of life!  Stay tuned!  I'm sure there's a whole new bag of crazy just around the corner for us!

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