Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wrapping up January

Well...I cannot believe we are right here at the end of the first month of the new year.  Holy cow, but it's flown by.  Kids are all back in school, science fair projects are underway, swim team has resumed, dance classes have resumed, the new piano teacher is working out nicely.  And just like that, we are about to turn a page on the calendar!  My goodness...at this rate, we will be celebrating Christmas again sometime next week!

It's been a rough week or two around these parts.  We got the news that our dearest friends here in the desert and Clara's absolute most favorite BFF in the universe will be moving away this summer.  I don't know who was more devastated.  Me or Clara.  We have both shed more tears than I would have imagined possible.  They will be here with us until school is out, but in June, will be heading off for their new home in Philadelphia.  It's like a cruel, cruel joke for our girlies.  They were the best of friends.  Then we moved away to Texas.  Despite that, they stayed super close.  And they were SOOO crazy excited when we got the opportunity to move back and live just a mile or so away.  And now...just after we get here...we will all have to say goodbye again.  No doubt that the beginning of our summer is going to be rough, rough, rough.  Please pray for the Roberts girls as we try to savor and enjoy these next 4 months.  And pray that when the time comes, we will be able to wave goodbye with a smile on our face for our sweet friends.  We're going to need a LOT of prayer in that department because I have to tell ya...we are NOT feeling it.

What else.  I'm still trucking along with my Weight Watchers.  Another week, another pound.  I'm back in even MORE clothes this week and my belt buckle is now needing to rest in the third or FOURTH hole...where it used to be snug in the second one.  That's some progress!  I just did another strength test at Koko Fit and my strength has increased a total of 28% since I started.  I am SO thrilled!  It's getting easier...and harder all at the same time.  Easier, because I don't have to think about it so much.  Harder because it's tempting to just skip tracking what I eat and guesstimate in my head what I think points might or might not be and that is never a good strategy.  I keep having to get myself back on track.  I am definitely making better and better choices.  And all my hard work is paying off.  The key here, make no mistake about it...is HARD WORK!!!  Good grief, but it's hard to move these pounds after age 40!  Yikes!

My Clara has been very, very sick.  She came home from school on Thursday with a bit of a sore throat.  It was still sore on Friday, but we threw some ibuprofen at it and sent her off to school thinking she could sleep in on the weekend and catch up and feel better.  Or...worst case...just wake up with a good solid head cold.  THAT was not to be the case.  By Friday afternoon she was miserable.  Too miserable to go the the University of Arizona Gymcats gymnastics meet we had plans for.  Not even with her BFF Claire.  That's when I knew it was bad.  On Saturday, she was still miserable,  Throat raging.  Headache.  No appetite.  And then she broke out in a slight rash over her tummy.  At that point we were certain it was strep and whisked her off to urgent care for a swab.  Unfortunately, it WASN'T strep, but just a virus.  Which was miserable because there is nothing we can do for a virus.  Strep, we could treat.  Virus...out of luck.  And so we brought our sick and miserable baby home and put her back to bed and prayed she would wake up all better on Sunday.  But that didn't happen.  My wonderful friend and Clara's pediatrician informed me that there was a nasty virus going around with misery, sore throat, fever....everything and then some that Clara had and that it was lasting 5 or 6 DAYS!!!  Yikes!  Well...Monday was no better at all and she was home with me.  Today, Tuesday, I feel like she is finally turning the corner.  She still did not go to school.  She wasn't ready for that.  But she did have some feistiness to her and some fire in her eyes.  She was up and out of bed more and only asked for ibuprofen twice today.  It has been nearly hourly since Friday.  So all of that is a good sign and I am planning to send her back tomorrow.  She is also excited to be on the mend as she informed me today that she really cannot take another day at home with me!

What else?  Well, our time with Gigi has drawn to a close.  She is flying back to Dallas tomorrow morning.  She has been with us for 7 weeks now and is anxious to get home and check on her house!  It's on the market and she wants to make sure it is looking in tip top shape for the showings!  We aren't too worried because we know she will be back before we know it and living close by!  Hopefully, very close by!

And I think that's about it for now.  Life is all good in the desert.  Just the usual hectic life that's all ours!

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