Sunday, November 18, 2012

In A Nutshell...

Long post.  I know, I know.  I stink at this sometimes.  Life is a whirlwind...what can I say?  This post will be short and sweet.  But at least there will BE a post, right?!

Here's what's been happening.  First of all...I just looked back over my LAST post and saw all the gorgeous pics of my family enjoying Apache Lake, and I have to just say...that post MAKES ME SMILE!!!!  I love seeing the gorgeous scenery and my sweet sister and the bright smiles on all the faces of the family I cherish.  Especially the non smiley teenagers!  It makes me SO happy to see I'm beyond grateful for those pics!

Next...We've had visitors!  Chris's dad and stepmother came from Montana and were here with us for three days.  We had a great time seeing them, despite all the kiddo's very busy schedules.  They headed out on Thursday afternoon and took a huge piece of my heart back with them.  Max went with them to spend a couple of days there in Montana hunting.  He didn't bag anything and will be home late, late tonight.  I will be SOOO happy to have all of my kiddos back under the same roof.

I am looking forward to this week because it's Thanksgiving week, and therefore just a three day week at school!  Woo hoo!!!  There is SO much to cram in in those three days though.  Clara has a huge spelling bee, Max has Spanish presentations and Ben has tests.  Yikes!  Add in the unexpected circumstance that I need to get Clara in for an x-ray because we think her wrist may be broken.  Ugggh!  I know you are asking..."WHAT HAPPENED???", and so...I will tell you.  The little neighbor girl got a little too excited...tackled her with a linebacker quality shove and caught poor Clara totally off guard.  Because she didn't see it coming, she did not dodge or brace for it and was sent airborn.  She landed on the concrete, on her wrist, in a bit of an awkward position.  24 hours later, it hurts to move the wrist at all.  And by dinner tonight we notice some bruising and swelling.  We are hoping it is sprained...but having been down this road with her a few times now, we are realistic in acknowledging that we could be looking at her third break.  This would be the first break on the right arm. that the left arm isn't compromised AGAIN.  Bad in that she is right handed.  I hope to know more about this tomorrow.

As for Thanksgiving...our wonderful friends, the Emch's are coming over to celebrate with us.  Once again, we will be bagging tradition in favor of a fun fiesta theme.  We will be having a taco bar, guacamole, salsa, white queso, refried beans, margaritas, and various yummy desserts!  We are looking forward to being able to celebrate with dear friends and relish all we have to be thankful for this year.  I am feeling more thankful this year I think, than any other year.  Here are a few recent shots of things I can add to my incredibly long list of blessings I have been counting!
So thankful for friends, old and new, that made this Halloween SO much fun!!!

Thankful for a sunrise that will take your breath away.

Thankful for the opportunity to see...and photograph this VERY huge and cool owl I came across on my morning walk!  Very surreal to watch him through the lens obviously watching me!
It's really and truly been another amazing month here in the desert.  I love Arizona SO much.  There will never be enough words to say or express it.  My heart is SO at peace here.  And each and every new day seems to dazzle me.  I never know when or where it's going to happen, but without fail, there is a moment in each and every day that just steals my breath away and I marvel at the beauty that is right before me.  Thankful, thankful, thankful.

And...because I have been SO are several miscellaneous photos from the Fall Break-ish period I thought I'd share with you!  Enjoy!!!
I found this guy on the step outside of the Biosphere2.  Very cool!

Is this guy stunning, or what?!  

A baby FLAMINGO!  Isn't he just a precious mess?!

She's SO camera shy, bless her heart.

The giraffe was being very coy with me!

It ain't easy being King of the Jungle!  Zzzzzz

LOVE the otters at the zoo!  SO much personality!

Visited whatever this place is called.  De Grazia something or other I think?

Loved the gate...but not nearly as much as I love the girl standing by it!

And that's a wrap folks!  You are officially caught up on life now!  I will TRY to do better next month FOR SURE!!!

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